40% Discount on my shop to help a sick newborn baby.

Now I'm not one to ask for help very often if ever. But today I'm calling all of you, interwebz buddies to come help me help others. 

It is very heartbreaking to see friends suffering and it's even more frustrating when you can't do anything to ease their pain. I'm doing this to help a close friend of mine who's baby was born last week premature and with a serious congenital heart defect. 

This sweet baby's name is Jacobo and was welcomed at 11:27 on a Saturday night, 2 weeks premature. Soon after he was born nurses noticed that something was not ok with him. After examination it was determined that Jacobo was born with aortic valve stenosis. This means that the valve on his aorta is severely stiffened and narrowed the opening. This causes a big strain and his left ventricle has to pump harder to send the blood out to his little body.  

There are no medications that the doctors can give to this week old baby and even if they could, medications would only ease the pain. The only way this heart defect can be corrected is with heart surgery. While nurses assured the parents that even though the procedure is delicate, it is nothing out of the ordinary, The doctor came bearing some terrible news. Little Jacobo is so tiny and fragile that his heart won't resist surgery, and his situation is only getting worse.

I know we have all felt powerless when we see someone go through horrible things and the only thing left for us to do is just stand there and be witnesses of their pain and grief. I did. And I am. But that's not what I want to do. I don't want to be witness of such sad and tragic things. I want to help lighten the burden his parents are carrying. I want to help them feel like there is life outside what they are going through. They are my friends after all.

My biggest internal battle is that I couldn't seem to find a way to help. I'm not a doctor. I'm not a cardiologist, or surgeon and I don't have the power to heal this poor sweet baby. I'm just a friend. I'm a designer.

But that's it! The way I can help them is by doing what I love and know. That's why I wanted to let all of you know that everything in my shop is now 40% as well as custom designs and every single penny I make this month is going to help pay his medical bills.

I don't have a good pitch to convince you to help me. This is just what it is. I just want to help. So please! Please internet peeps! Help me help this little guy. Let me bring a smile to his parents face.

Please help me find more ways to help them if you can.

Let me make a difference.